I love read a books

5 Stars
Great story
The Queen of All that Dies - Laura Thalassa

I'm not sure this is a young adult book, but it's very good.

!!! spoiler alert !!! Review
3 Stars
Not a YA read
Paper Princess: A Novel (The Royals) - Erin Watt

I don't know what this book is. I know what it isn't.

* It isn't chick-lit, too much darkness and drama for that

*It isn't Young adult. The situations are too adult for that, unless book likes creates a genre called pornographic Young adult this isn't what I'd like my daughter to read.

* It isn't a humor book

*It isn't a romance, or since when romance is about a guy bullying and then threaten to rape his love interest? New ways to be a suitor I didn't know? Deplorable



That's not to say that I didn't like the book. I liked it and I'll read the sequels because it's like a korean show. You know it's bad, you know it isn't believable but you need to know what happens next. I'm hooked.

!!! spoiler alert !!! Review Reblogged
5 Stars
A series worth reading...
The Mortal Instruments Boxed Set (The Mortal Instruments, #1-3) - Cassandra Clare City of Bones - Cassandra Clare City of Ashes - Cassandra Clare City of Glass - Cassandra Clare City of Fallen Angels - Cassandra Clare City of Lost Souls - Cassandra Clare City of Heavenly Fire  - Cassandra Clare

So most people have read the mortal instruments series by Cassandra Clare (one of the greatest writers) if you haven't where have you been seriously. i picked up this series at Christmas time and was shell shocked for at least a month it was that good. its a series of emotion,war,love, and so many things its hard to put in to words. You will laugh out loud and cry but that part of a great book.One reason for it being such a great book is you could relate with things the characters did, for example how Jace would sacrifice himself for the ones he loves. i was ecstatic to hear the last book was only coming out a few moths after i had read the first five and it felt like years before i got it but i did and read it within a couple of days, i loved how they added new characters in to the last book and there wasn't much loss and i am grateful to Cassandra for that. overall i really loved this series and am deeply saddened that the series is over but and looking forward to the new series and of course the movies and would definitely give it a five star.   

Reblogged from Fangirl Feels
5 Stars
Unusual, harsh, sexy
The V girl - Mya Robarts

This book was unexpected and I love it. I tried it once and dropped it because spelling mistakes. I got word that an edited edition was available and it made all the difference in the world! Love it!


I fanned myself so much because Aleksey! Don't read if you don't like descriptive sex scenes.

5 Stars
The best of the first trilogy
City of Glass  - Melody Violine, Cassandra Clare

I think of the mortal instruments as two separate trilogies, the last book of each trilogy being the best.


Cassandra Clare wrapped up her story nicely leaving me satisfied. I had closure and the ending was beautiful.